Firmware Analysis
Last modified: 2023-07-19
Static Analysis
The following tools are useful for static analysis.
file ./firmware
binwalk ./firmware
# -M: Matryosika (recursively) scan extracted files
# -r: Delete carved files after extracting
# -e: Extract known file types
binwalk -Mre ./firmware
# -E: Calculate file entropy
# -N: Do not generate an entropy plot graph
binwalk -EN ./firmware
# firmware-mod-kit
./ ./firmware
Dynamic Analysis
gdb ./firmware
rizin ./firmware
FIRMADYNE is a platform for emulation and dynamic analysis of Linux-based firmware.
# Analyze and emulate the system
./ example.squashfs
The analysis will start.
Copy the ip address in the output as below.
Network interfaces: [('brtrunk', '')]
In local machine, port forward using the ip.
ssh -L 8081: remote-user@<remote-ip>
Now we can access to