File Transfer in Linux
Last modified: 2024-10-03
Using Wget
In machine A, Start a web server.
python -m http.server
# We can specify which directory to host by `--directory` option.
python -m http.server --directory /usr/bin
In machine B, download a file from the web server of machine A.
wget http://<ip>:8000/example.txt
# Download recursively
# -r: Recursive
# -np: No parent
# --reject="index.html*": Not save index.html
# -P: output directory
wget http://<ip>/example_dir -r -np -nH --cut-dirs=1 --reject="index.html*" -P example_dir
Using Netcat
Transfer a File
In machine A, start a listener for receiving a file.
# -l: Listen mode
# -p: Port
nc -lp 4444 > example.txt
In machine B, send a file to machine A.
nc <machineA-ip> 4444 < example.txt
Transfer a Directory
In machine A, start a listener for receiving a directory.
nc -lvnp 4444 > out.tar
In machine B, compress a directory using tar
and transfer it.
tar -cf - example/ | nc <machineA-ip> 4444
In machine A, decompress the tar file and get the directory.
tar -xf out.tar
Using Base64
In machine A, encode a file with base64
and copy the encoded Base64 string.
# -w 0: disabe line wrapping
base64 -w 0
In machine B, paste the encoded Base64 string.
echo '123...def==' | base64 -d >